
Whether you are an individual or company, your property may be your largest investment. We will guide you through your purchase or sale, and provide support and advice throughout the process.


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Ralph Hardie

Partner - Commercial and renewables

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Ancillary Property Rights

Often when you buy land and houses you acquire additional Property Rights.  Those rights can be expressly set out in your deeds but as some of those rights can arise through use over a period of time you may have them, or acquire them, without any formal documentation setting the extent or limitations of such rights.  This is a nuanced area of law but one where Ennova has extensive experience which they can call upon to guide you through this area of the law.

Commercial leasing

At Ennova Law we act for a range of landlords and tenants across all commercial property sectors. A commercial lease can be a long term financial commitment, and the team understands the importance of ensuring that your documents properly protect your interests. Our litigation team can also assist in the event a dispute arises.


Ensuring that a developer has in place a suitable building contract and professional appointments is vital to the success of a project. Our team’s experience in preparation of the full range of necessary documents, in carrying our reviews and reporting to secured lenders and the provision of development finance, and dispute resolution may assist you.

Property Rights

If you own land your use of that land is invariably restricted in various ways.  Whilst the default philosophical starting point is that you are entitled to use your land as you see fit that starting point is qualified by a whole host of statutory and common law restrictions.  Setting aside the more obvious restrictions such as the requirement for planning permission your title deeds, for example, may contain restrictions on how you are able use the land but whilst some of those restrictions may no-longer be valid others will remain in force and those conditions can lead to difficulties or disputes.  The common law of nuisance also restricts your use of your land as you are often not entitled to do anything which may adversely affect a neighbour’s use of their own land.  Ennova has experience in both disputes arising out of such matters or seeking to have title conditions changed.

Property development and house building

The Ennova Law team has a wealth of experience dealing with development work. This includes acting on behalf of developers, landowners and dealing with development funding.

Our knowledgeable team will guide you through each step of the process including initial heads of terms to the vendors and contracts relating to site acquisition, site assembly work, planning agreements and Deeds of Conditions right through to individual unit sales. We aim to make the process as straightforward and smooth as possible.

Property finance

We act for lenders, borrowers and all other stakeholders in banking and finance transactions and aim to deliver proactive, cost-effective advice on leveraged, structured, acquisition and real estate finance transactions across all sectors.  The team’s knowledge on Property, Corporate Finance, Construction, Corporate Restructuring, Insolvency and Litigation means we are ideally placed to support you and your business needs.

Renewables and energy

Our Renewables team advise landowners, developers and communities on projects across Scotland.

We have a great track record across a diverse range of renewable energy projects. With our experience in wind, solar and biomass, we can assist you through all project stages covering the relevant commercial, strategic, consenting and legal issues from the outset of the project to completion and thereafter.

Residential property

Whether you are a first-time buyer taking your first step on the property ladder, a homeowner looking to move, or a property investor adding to your portfolio, our experienced property team understands that a property is more than just bricks and mortar.  Our knowledgeable team will make the process of buying and selling, remortgaging, executry conveyancing and title transfers as straightforward and smooth as possible.

Retail leisure and nurseries

The Ennova Law team offers high quality, insightful advice to a broad range of clients in hospitality and childcare.  Our experience means that we understand the legal challenges you may face.  We are able to assist you with acquisition and disposal, financing, leasing and licensing.  Should problems arise, we can also deal with commercial dispute resolution, employment matters and restructuring and insolvency.


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